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You have completed Intermediate Selenium WebDriver!
You have completed Intermediate Selenium WebDriver!
There are a wide variety of ways users can interact with your web pages: scrolling, clicking form inputs like selection drop-downs and radio buttons, and more. You need to be able to test that your app is responding appropriately, and that means your tests need to be able to simulate those user inputs. In this stage, we'll show you how to do that!
In this video, we'll be testing this page.
There are a wide variety of ways users can interact with your web pages: scrolling, clicking form inputs like selection drop-downs and radio buttons, and more. You need to be able to test that your app is responding appropriately, and that means your tests need to be able to simulate those user inputs. In this stage, we'll show you how to do that!
- Here we have a demo page for Scroll Magic, a JavaScript library that lets apps respond to user scrolling events.
- This page is meant to demonstrate "infinite scrolling", where new content is continuously loaded via AJAX requests as a user scrolls down the page.
- The colored boxes simulate page content.
- When I scroll to the bottom, notice that a "Loading" spinner appears, and then more boxes get added.
- Let's go to our browser's developer tools, and open the page source to look at what's going on here.
- You can see it's looking for an element with an ID of
. - When we scroll to that element, it makes a call to the
function. -
doesn't make an actual AJAX request; it just adds a bunch of<div>
elements with a class ofbox1
to the page. - We don't need to know the details of how this scrolling library works. All we need to know is that when a user scrolls to the
element, new elements with a class ofbox1
get added to the page.
- Let's see if we can create a test using Mocha and WebDriver to ensure the page is responding to scrolling correctly.
- We've created a new project folder, and added a test suite in the test folder.
- The code looks very similar to the tests we created earlier in the course.
// At the top, we load functions from the usual set of modules.
const {Browser, By, Key, until} = require("selenium-webdriver");
const {suite} = require("selenium-webdriver/testing");
const assert = require('assert');
// We load a ScrollPage class from the scroll.js module in the "pages"
// directory, which we'll show you in a moment.
const ScrollPage = require('../pages/scroll.js');
// We set up a test suite with driver and page objects, just as in
// previous videos.
suite(function(env) {
describe('Infinite scroll demo', function() {
let driver;
let page;
before(async function() {
driver = await env.builder().build();
page = new ScrollPage(driver);
await page.open();
// We need to add a test to check whether more boxes get
// added when we scroll.
it('adds more boxes', async function() {
// First we need to get the boxes that are already on the
// page. We call findElements() with a locator that we'll
// set up in the page object class, that finds all elements
// with a CSS class of "box1". findElements returns a
// promise, so of course we need to use the "await" keyword.
let boxes = await driver.findElements(page.locators.boxes);
// The result is an array of all the box elements. We get
// the length of that array, and store it in a variable.
// After we load more boxes, we'll get the new count and
// compare it to this one.
let oldBoxCount = boxes.length;
// Let's just log the current count to the terminal so we
// can see it. You'll want to remove any logging from the
// final version of your test.
// Remember, we're relying on the page object to actually
// interact with the page. So we'll call a method on the
// page object to load more content by scrolling.
await page.loadContent();
// After the call to loadContent() completes, there should
// be more boxes on the page. So we make a call to
// findElements() that's identical to the previous one, and
// store the new array of elements.
boxes = await driver.findElements(page.locators.boxes);
// Then we get the size of the array again.
let newBoxCount = boxes.length;
// And let's log this new count so we can see it.
// We end the test by asserting that there are more boxes
// on the page now that we've loaded new content.
assert(newBoxCount > oldBoxCount);
after(async function() {
Now let's look at the class for our page object.
// We load the same set of objects from the "selenium-webdriver"
// module that we did for our previous page objects.
const {Browser, By, Key, until} = require("selenium-webdriver");
// We've pasted the page URL here, for our open() function to use.
const url = 'http://scrollmagic.io/examples/advanced/infinite_scrolling.html';
// Our class definition, constructor, and open() methods look
// the same as they did for previous page objects.
class ScrollPage {
constructor(driver) {
this.driver = driver;
this.locators = {
// We need to define the locators that our test will
// use. The "boxes" locator finds all elements with
// a CSS class of "box1".
boxes: By.css('.box1'),
// And the "loader" locator finds the element with
// an ID of "loader", so we can scroll to it.
loader: By.id('loader'),
open() {
// Now we need to define the method that our test calls
// to scroll to the loader element at the bottom of the
// page.
async loadContent() {
// We start by calling findElement() on our driver object
// to find the loader locator we defined above.
var loader = await this.driver.findElement(this.locators.loader);
// To scroll the page, we need to execute some
// JavaScript on the page. We do this by calling
// the executeScript() method on the driver. We pass
// the JavaScript we want to run as the first
// argument. Additional arguments to executeScript()
// get passed as arguments to that JavaScript code.
// So we pass it our loader element, and then have
// the JavaScript code scroll that element into view.
await this.driver.executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", loader);
// There's one more problem; the boxes don't get added
// immediately after we scroll to the loader element.
// If we checked for more boxes right away, they
// wouldn't be present, and the test would fail. Luckily,
// this demo is set up to add the "active" CSS class to the
// loader element while it's adding new content, and remove
// that class when it's done. So we can just add an explicit
// wait here that waits until the loader element no longer
// has the "active" class.
await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('#loader:not(.active)')));
module.exports = ScrollPage;
You can read more about executeScript
If we switch to our terminal, change to the project directory, and run the tests with mocha
, you'll notice the old box count, followed by the larger new box count in the log.
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